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Everybody safely home, day by day

Our colleagues’ safety and their wellbeing are our top priorities. Anywhere in the world. Employees, subcontractors, suppliers… they all have family, friends and colleagues who want to see them return home safe and sound after a day at work. That’s why we go all the way to create a work environment in which risks are minimized to the maximum. Our aim? 0 accidents, 24/7, 365 days per year.

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Limit risks

We know we will never be able to fully control all risks. Our work on many occasions takes place in very challenging circumstances and the size of the projects, together with the odds of human mistakes, make it almost inevitable for incidents to occur. However, it is our top priority to minimize dangerous situations at work, for instance by in-depth risk analysis, specialised training programs and clear instructions and procedures. We also organize internal audits on a regular basis and ensure adequate follow-up of the outcome. In case an incident does occur, we use all tools available for a thorough study on the cause, to avoid future reoccurrence.


Driven by Safety

The Driven by Safety campaign aims to raise even more awareness of the importance of safety, since everyone carries responsibility, for everyone. The goal of the campaign is to attain zero losses: no bodily harm, first and foremost, but also no material loss, reputational damage or financial consequences – not for our employees and their family, not for Aertssen.

The campaign entails posters sharing a handful of golden rules for safety. These are accompanied by a Driven by Safety app for all employees, subcontractors and partners, containing tips and news on safety, instructions and the possibility to instantly send a notification in case of unsafe situations.

Driven By Safety